And, of course, very many of Great Britain's best, brightest, and boldest sacrificed their lives in World Wars I and II, thereby draining the British genetic pool of its creamy top.
Upshot: with a few notable exceptions, Britain is today peopled by submissive, palms-out morons governed by an alliance of poltroons and buffoons.
Scotland seems determined to surpass what passes for progressive thought and governance in its southern neighbors, England and Wales. Ample examples exist to illustrate this fact, and each new day brings to light additional examples, many vying to be more extreme than the others.
Fox News reports (and I decided to post this post as a result) the following:
Domestic Violence
Vince Hogg of Wormit, Scotland was arrested after tearing out the hair of his live-in girlfriend and slamming her against a wall.
The two apparently have had a stormy relationship and he became incensed because a leaky shower was causing the carpet to get wet.
All of this has caused Hogg problems with his job, as an anger management counselor.
But Hogg is still on the payroll of the National Health Service, which runs the "zero tolerance campaign" against domestic violence, where he worked.
Hogg was, however, demoted and reassigned.
Well, fellow travelers, there's not much to add, except a tear and a sigh from those of us sad to see the sinking of a once so great society.
Yours 'til next I wake,
Lord Lunch, Hamsammich Castle, Worcestershiresauce, England